Sounds Queer

Documentary, Germany 2013, 60 min, German with English subtitles


Director/Screenplay Dan Bahl
Cinematography Katinka Zeuner
Sound Oliver Eberhard
Film Editing Jörg Volkmar
Protagonists Tama Sumo aka Kerstin Egert, Resom aka Nadine Moser, Ena Lind
Sound Engineering/Sounddesign Oliver Eberhard
Experimental Sounddesign Golden Diskó Ship
Color Grading orlan raben
Image Processing Felizian Stockinger
Production Dan Bahl/Bikepunk Productions
Photography Dan Bahl
Model m.phase

„Sounds Queer“ is part of Dan Bahls master's thesis at the Institute of Cultural Studies
at Humboldt-University Berlin and was realized in cooperation with Filmarche Berlin.